Connect Your Ideas to People: Stepping Stones

Posted by Beetle B. on Tue 11 February 2020

A Technique For Producing Ideas

He took this from James Webb Young’s book: A Technique For Creating Ideas. Strongly recommends the book.

Step 1: Define The Problem

Step 2: Research Relentlessly

Step 3: Let It Cook

Let the unconscious part of your mind do its part.

Step 4: Catch The Idea as it Flies By

Step 5: Shape and Polish


Even uncomplicated decisions require contact with an average of eight people in most organizations and complex decisions usually involve as many as twenty people.

Ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. How do decisions like this get made in my organization?
  2. Whom should I woo first to gain entry into that process?
  3. What follow up strategy should I use?

Whenever you discuss the problem with someone, consider the following seven possible goals:

  • Idea polishing/brainstorming goals
  • Facilitative goals
  • Attitude goals
  • Authorization goals
  • Endorsement goals
  • Decision goals
  • Implementation and Action goals

With each such encounter, behave enthusiastically and optimistically.

tags : woo