Pilot projects: If the buzz is positive, then early setbacks are seen as expected. But if the buzz is negative, then each new problem...
There are really two audiences: The rational calculator and the intuitive decision maker. If you don’t make your ideas accessible to the...
The two most reliable ways to persuade people: Offer them solid reasons to say “yes” Back those reasons up. You don’t need to do much if...
Don’t assume people know what they want or need. Be prepared to educate them if you sense this is the case. Ask yourself: Why might it...
Nervous or unconfident people tend to focus exclusively on their message rather than getting a feel of what the other person is...
The five barriers: Lack of relationships Poor credibility Miscommunication Contrary beliefs Conflicting interests Credibility is not...
A Technique For Producing Ideas He took this from James Webb Young’s book: A Technique For Creating Ideas. Strongly recommends the book....
Six persuasion channels: Channel 1: Interest Based Persuasion Any time someone frames a sales pitch in terms of the other person’s...
There are usually four steps: Survey your situation Confront the five barriers Make your pitch Secure your commitments You must form a...