Haidt claims that genes account for whether you are left/right a lot more than upbringing does. A single gene doesn’t predict much. But...
For Western/modern society, the author favors rule utilitarianism (best rules that will produce the greatest good) as opposed to act...
Is God a Force of Good or Evil? Religious people generally give more in charity, but usually to their own kind or through their own...
You cannot understand religion by looking at the individual. You must look at the collective. The Lone Believer Critics of religion...
The hive switch: The ability to temporarily transcend self-interest and lose ourselves in something bigger. It is essentially a...
Group Selection: If a trait benefits the group against other groups, but not the individual against other individuals in the same group,...
Reciprocal altruism theory explains why altruism/fairness behavior develops among pairs (tit for tat) but does not explain it...
Republicans appeal to all 5 moral tastes than Democrats, who appeal to only 1 or 2. This is why the former tend to have an edge...
Notable was Haidt’s criticism of amateur evolutionary theorists: They pick a trait and see if they can find a story that explains it. A...
Moral monism is the reduction of morality to a single principle (e.g. don’t do harm). Haidt argues this is unhealthy for society. Is...
Psychologists have a tendency to study the mind independent of culture. Anthropologists tend to study the culture and not the mind....
Most research in psychology is conducted on WEIRD people. WEIRD stands for Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich and Democratic. But...
So do good reasoning skills lead to more moral behavior (the atheist’s dream)? A study found that moral philosophers behave just like...
Self-Esteem Is self-esteem about how we perceive ourselves, or about how we perceive other’s perceptions about ourselves? Levy Study:...
There has existed for a long time a dilemma: Is it better to be just and honest in a world that will never recognize you as such, vs...
Primarily by engaging with others. On can change via introspection, but others are more likely to give us non-confirmatory evidence....
Utilitarianism (save the most lives) vs Deontologism (cannot impinge on individual rights - even to save many lives). Both claim their...
Infants do not appear to be born with a blank slate. They have certain expectations on the physical laws, as well as the social laws. By...
1% of males are psychopaths. Fewer females are. Most are nonviolent. But virtually half of crimes like serial rape and killing,...
The sense of smell impacts moral judgments. Asking participants to fill out a survey on moral scenarios in the presence of fart smell...
Affective Priming: Flash words like sunshine or cancer to the screen. You need to judge whether the word is positive or negative. If you...
Our brains evaluate everything instantly in terms of potential threat or benefit, and adjusts behavior to get more of the good and less...
Hypnotized one set of students and made them dislike the word “take”. Hypnotized another set and made them dislike “often”. Gave them 6...
The rationalist delusion: The worship of reason and the distrust of passions. It is a delusion because once you declare it to be an...
To tackle Turiel’s concern that the “harmless” stories could be interpreted as harmful, Haidt decided to do a similar story, but added a...