Tag gpn

Use Power To Educate

Some people just want to win, and their measure of success is how much you lose. If your goal becomes victory, realize you’re stuck in a...

Build Them a Golden Bridge

Obstacles to Agreement The other side may stall: Lack of interest, vague statements, delays, breaking agreements, a flat No! There are...


When the other side doesn’t budge, resist the temptation to counter with your position. “That’s interesting. Why do you want that?” “You...

Step To Their Side

Do not ignore the emotions while focusing on the problems. You need to defuse them, and you do it by surprise. If they stonewall, they...

Go To The Balcony

Three Natural Reactions We have 3 natural reactions: Striking back Giving in and yielding to pressure Cutting off the relationship Don’t...

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare

Before every meeting, prepare. After every meeting, assess and re-prepare for the next meeting. Do not try to wing it. Mapping Out The...

Getting Past No: Overview

Five Barriers To Cooperation Your Reaction: You either strike back or give in. Both are damaging. Their Emotion: Anger, hostility, fear,...