People are motivated more by the thought of losing something than the thought of gaining something of the same value. Frame something in...
Titles Study: A person is introduced to various groups as either a student, lecturer, professor, etc. After he leaves the room, people...
A common tactic: A salesperson who has completed a sale with you will ask for a list of friends, and call them up and talk about how...
Social proof is also a convenient shortcut for decision making. Kids who are scared to play with dogs become willing to merely by...
We have a deep desire to be/appear consistent. This is why when people bet on a horse, they are more confident it will win after they’ve...
We try to repay, in kind, what someone else has given us - even we didn’t want it or take it! We feel obligated. Society provides a very...
A group of people are waiting in line to use a photocopying machine. Someone says “May I use the machine because I am in a rush?” to...