Step Five: Create Your Personal Success Wheel

Posted by Beetle B. on Sat 18 March 2017

Take a week off in December to reassess everything.

Use the Personal Success Wheel or make your own. The elements in the wheel are not independent. They do have overlap.

  1. For each category, assign big picture goals. Then break down to subcategories.
  2. Create time frames. What do you need to do in 3 years to get there? 1 year? The next 60 days?
  3. Assign each goal a percentage of your time. Share with your circle to communicate priorities and help foster accountability.

Come up with a list of people who are integral to achieving these goals. This may be a big list. For companies it could be 1000. For you, maybe 25. Maybe 250. Pick a relevant number.

For each key one-year goal, create a list of the specific people you need to get to know to achieve the goal. This is the Relationship Action Plan. Your support team may be helpful for this.

Develop success metrics as well as budgets for both time and money for the goals (even personal ones). This makes it a lot easier for your team to hold you accountable.

Involve support buddies to creating the strategic calendar. Can involve others as well (e.g. people in the company). Some people cannot handle this level of rigor. Ensure they are not part of your inner circle of advisors.

With family, have monthly family meetings to review goals for the month.

With the support team, review progress at least once a month.

These meetings should address these questions:

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t work?
  • What’s missing to get you back on track?

Goal Setting

For each goal, ask:

  • Why do I want to achieve this goal?
  • What would life look like with this goal accomplished?
  • How will my life be different?

Don’t settle for first level answers (e.g. more money/time - why do you want them?)

Once you have the answers, ask: Are there other ways I can get that?

How are your goals tied to extrinsic and intrinsic motivations? Both are valid.

It is important that your short term and long term goals are aligned.

Common goal setting pitfalls:

Mission Creep

Spending too much time on pursuits that don’t further your goals.

Belief Gap

Failure to believe you can accomplish your goal, leading to a failure to act.

Solution: Share your goals with your partners to help refine your vision.

Skills Gap

You lack some skills for your goals.

Solution: Your team will help recognize and fill the gaps (either through others or through education).

Third Inning Slump

Motivation is flagging.

Solution: Your team gives support. Or they tell you to take a vacation.

tags : wgyb