Superconnectors are people with a lot of connections. You’ll probably have a few of them in your network.
Don’t assume that the person who helps you need be a close connection. Studies show that they typically are not. This is because your close friends usually know the same people you do. Non-close friends tend to know a lot of people that you don’t.
Still, it’s better to be beyond superficial with your network. Don’t just have a large network you barely know. Instead, get to know a few superconnectors.
Each city has some restaurants that influential people attend. Go there often enough and get to know the owner.
Pick 1-2 restaurants that you enjoy and frequent them. Get to know the staff. Bring work people there. Use them for catering.
Very useful for both finding a job for you and finding employees. Use as many search firms as possible to help you find a job.
To get a headhunter into your network, ensure you have a list of contacts to offer them. They’re less interested if you’re mainly trying to sell yourself.
To get to know some, host an event for them. Or volunteer your services. Or get them volunteers.
Anything you can do to help them gain power with voters, or helps them exercise power in office. Join your local chamber of commerce. Get to know some young ones looking to climb the ladder. They are usually easier to help.
Take them to dinners and give them story ideas.
Authors, Bloggers and Gurus
Use tools like Alexa or Klout.
Use Twitter to see who’s most frequently retweeted. Connect with them on social media. Follow them. In time, contribute (e.g. comments). Once you know what interests them, send a value-added email ping. If there is no response, send another month later. Look for ways to meet these people at events.
In general, get out of your comfort zone. Seek people who do not look or act like you.
Fund raisers and PR people.